
Friday, April 27, 2018

New Blog, goals for the year.

Greetings fellow hobbyists, and welcome to my new blog spot.... blog.

      This is just going to be a small post about my hobbying. I am mostly into Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar. I do have small skirmish games that I hope to get games in for like Frostgrave, A song of Blades and Heroes and I just picked up the rules to Gaslands.

At the start of the year, I wrote down some hobby goals for 2018. Here is the list.

Assemble and paint my Outcast crew

I bought  the Herald of Obliteration box already assembled and based from ebay. Ronin are still in their package. Really enjoy the models, but the scale makes me a bit nervous to start them.

Learn to play Malifaux

Yes, I am one of those people. I buy new models before jumping into the rules to see how it runs. I have a friend looking to play and seems eager to get more people into the game. Where I live, Malifaux has died down in popularity now.

Completely paint 40k chaos army

When Dark Imperium came out, I bought two halves of the nurgle side. Think I might've bit off more then I could chew. I finished one half, but still have the other. This is an on going project, now that I also decided to paint up some khorne to go with my nurgle. I will have to post my grey tide of shame one of these days.

Play more games (1-2 a month)

I have been hitting this most months, but now that it's becoming spring time, there might be more temptation to do more things outside.

Start a shadow war campaign (with painted warband)

Last year my FLGS ran a shadow war campaign, I very much enjoyed the old rule set to it so I hope to get more games in. Lately, my brother was showing interest in a small skirmish game. Maybe I can setup some games with him.

Learn Frostgrave & SoB&H

I have had Frostgrave on my shelf for a few years, only got one game out of it so far. I was playing blood bowl when I bought it, and the way the wizard can improve (or get injured) reminded me of  Blood Bowl in a fantasy setting. My warband is painted, they are undead themed.

Face my grey tide

I have been buying a lot of warhammer and Age of sigmar at the start of this year and at the end of last year. My friend, Michael, was running a AoS Skirmish group for new players, so I wanted to finish up my Start Collecting box of Lizardmen and Clan Pestilent. 

Clan Pestilent ready for the battlefield

      I hope this blog gives me motivation to get more games in and to continue to improve my painting.