
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Slaves to Darkness Progress #3

     I didn't quite finish what I had planned for last year's goal, okay, I kinda gave myself a bit of an out with painting up 1000 points of Slaves to Darkness instead of finishing off the Premium Battleforce. A Chaos Lord/Sorceror on Manitore and 10 Chaos Knights still reside in the box, both of which might turn out worshipping Slaanesh with how this month is going on my hobby desk.

    That battleforce came out in 2018, I am bit disappointed that I didn't get it finished last year. This is a common problem in the hobby for most people, that it's much easier to look at the new shiny releases and put down money. This year I am trying to hold myself a bit accountable for this, can't cloth a baby with Warhammer. It's all about taking inventory, you want a new Vaan Sar's gang? Well, you have a Escher Gang that would look lovely painted. Oh man that Legion of Nagash Warcry box looks sweet! Didn't you want a Daughters of Khaine warband last year, you have it mostly done even!? And what about the Blackstone Fortress Expansions...

    My point is that all the sets of models you picked up, be it 5 years ago or a month ago sparked joy in your hobby brain. Could be you want to paint it up because look how sweet it is in grey plastic (or metal if it's really been awhile), just think of what paint could do to it. What about this character you bought, he/she/they have such a sweet backstory it would be great to make them come to live on the battlefield. I don't like the head on this model, but really like the body, I could switch the head and arms make this model my own. The miniatures that we spend time and money on excite us, give us joy and fulfillment. Why not relive that moment of joy and paint up some miniatures that have been sitting in the hobby room for their turn, now is always the best time.

    Back to the progress on Slaves to Darkness! I have finished off my 1000 points list they are a colourful bunch soon to have every deity in the mortal realm represented... well, not Tzeentch he is always changing his mind if he will show up or not, god that guy is a flake.

    Let's start with the new entries.... the Chaos Warshrine is up first.

    The design for the ogres carrying the shrine weren't great, either you had the back one floating off the ground or it had a bit of a slant, that's alright, I doubt a shrine carried by two ogres would be all that stable.

Next is the Darkfire Daemonrift, a tear in the fabric of the Realm pouring out raw daemonic magic. This Endless Spell gets more powerful with Wizards and Endless Spells around it. This might convince me to make the Chaos Sorceror on Manitore instead of the Lord.

And the last one, Morathi, now a generic Chaos Sorceress, she is a bit out of place with all these behemoths around her.
A Slaanesh Chaos Sorceress

    With all the new additions, we have an army on our hands. Which looks like...

  • Chaos Sorceress Lord - 110 pts

  • 20 Chaos Marauders - 160 pts
  • 20 Chaos Warriors - 360 pts
  • Chaos Chariot - 120 pts
  • Chaos Warshrine - 170 pts

Endless Spell
  • Darkfire Daemonrift - 80pts
Total: 1000 pts

For matched play at least, Narrative and Open play.... well that's a different story, add some Khorne and don't get me started on the Nurgle I could add! 


  • Chaos Sorceress Lord - 110 pts

  • 20 Chaos Marauders - 160 pts
  • 20 Chaos Warriors - 360 pts
  • 10 Bloodletters- 110 pts
  • Chaos Warshrine - 170 pts
  • Chaos Chariot - 120 pts
  • Bloodcrushers - 120 pts
  • Flesh Hounds - 100 pts
  • Karanak - 140 pts

Endless Spell
  • Darkfire Daemonrift - 80pts
Total: 1200 pts

I am sure the Nurgle I have painted up would add another few hundreds, maybe I'll figure that out later.

Next on the Hobby Desk

Well, the girls are taking their time to get ready this month. Gotta sharpen their claws, and apply their make up. You know how hard that is with crab hands!? I have added more then just seekers to the desk now, hope I can get them done by the end of the month.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Aspirations for 2021

     With everything changing on the fly these days, I will make these more loose goals? hopes? DREAMS!? then anything set in stone. I will be most likely focusing on a lot of painting throughout the year, getting ready for the days to come where Prairie Game Expo or Toon Con are a live event where we can gather safely and enjoy the company of like minded individuals.

    SO... what can I do to work towards this goal? This year is going to be about preparing, preparing the models, preparing the terrain, and preparing the knowledge.

Preparing the Models

    The great temptress has whispered in my ears her sweet nothings, the barbed tongue tickled on the way out. I have started painting some Slaanesh Seekers to kick off SLAANUARY! Just like the god(dess) of excess I will strive to paint all my debaucherous hedonites of She Who Thirsts. This is the list so far.....

Leader - The Masque

            - Bladebringer (got it used, might be a seeker Chariot, I'll need to check this)

            - Exalted Greater Daemon of Slaanesh

Battleline - 10 Daemonettes

Other - 3 Fiends

          - 10 Seekers (maybe more if I can't build Bladebringer)

But...... I did order a Shadow and Pain box off of Meeple Mart.... which includes a Lord of Pain, 10 more daemonettes, Hellflayer (or one of the other chariots of deadly blades), 10 Hellstriders. This whole Slaanuary is getting a wee bit out of hand already and as much as I would like to throw caution (and common sense) to the wind, embracing my obsessive tendencies, I might start with the basics for the moment. Which will look something like this. 

Jon's less crazy plan

Leader - The Masque

             - Bladebringer

Battleline - 2 groups of 10 daemonettes

Other - Fiends

           - 10 Seekers (maybe 5 seekers, 5 hellstriders)

    This will give me enough to field close to a 1k army of Slaanesh or add in allies into Age of Sigmar, or a Warcry Warband or or or a Warhammer 40k army! This is the best part of being a worshipper of Chaos! mwhahaha Oh! I guess I should also throw in the Direchasm's Dread Pageant, which might actually get bumped up in the painting queue as Rachel might be interested in playing Underworlds sooner then later.Also side note, I don't think I am fast enough to paint all this in Slaanuary, so it might bleed over to Slaanbruary or Marnesh? 

    At least that's the "plan", who knows maybe I will get fixated on smaller games like Warcry or Necromunda?

Preparing the Terrain

    A good blog needs battlefields that will dazzle and impress their readers, several thousands of dollars worth of plastic gothic architecture that will make my wallet weep for the length of the pandemic. Well, not quite, I do have a Corpsewrack Mausoleum that needs finishing and some Sector Imperialis ruins that are mostly finished. From work, I get several bottles of various sizes, great for DIY projects for 40k terrain. These projects might get fitted in between painting up miniatures (probably of the slaanesh variety.) I hope to be able to fill up a table of terrain, 40k and AOS, maybe find a gaming mat in the future.

Preparing the Knowledge

Being able to teach others to play games is an essential part of the hobby, especially with a partner that doesn't like to take short cuts. We will look it up later doesn't usually fly with Rachel. This year I will be reading up on board game and tabletop games to cement my knowledge in the hobby. This will probably include learning games like Rangers of Shadowdeep, a cooperative fantasy skirmish game that is miniature agnostic for when lockdown gets tight. Probably use Rachel's mice, once they are based, for a warband. Ronin/ Dragon Rampart, mostly Ronin as Rachel has some beautiful Test of Honor lady Samurai that we picked up a few years ago in Calgary. I haven't played either, it's much easier to BUY more rules then to actually learn ones you already have. I would also like to keep up with Necromunda, as I didn't know about the Book of Perils adding in Venators, basically the ability to add a bounty hunter gang.

I would also like to get more organized on this blog, updating painting/purchasing, keeping track of games that type of stuff. I started to use Board Game Geek for keeping track of the two games Rachel and I played. We have a hard time moving games along, one being Dominion. Rachel wanted to play it on January 1st and we enjoyed it, but my thought was that we have several other deck building games that add so much then vanilla Dominion. Star Realms and Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle add in cooperative game play with the former extending it's gameplay with solo play as well. Both of which we play more then Dominion. We also played Power Grid for the first time, definitely a game made in the 2000s, more monopoly inspired money management type games.

    But I digress, with lockdown, board game play might just be Rachel and I. However, when things open up, Rachel really wants to start a Scythe: Rise of Fenris Campaign, this would be up to 5 players, the same players for each session. For Christmas, Rachel was gifted  Root: The Underworld Expansion from my brother, Shawn. This adds an additional 2 players to the base game's 4 players. Look forward to seeing that on the table, covid willing. Memoir 44 might also make an appearance in the future, as you can see, I am not really putting a fixed value on what I play this year. We will see what April brings.....

    Speaking of April, things will be getting a bit more busy for the two of us in April. As that's when Rachel is due to have our baby girl. Yes, I have kept the biggest and best kept secret for last. We are excited and anxious about our new offspring, child? The Child? Grogu? If she ends up with green scaly skin that might become her name.

Next on the Hobby Desk

    Yes, time to prepare, lots of reading for this dad to be. On the work bench side of things, I should be wrapping up 1K of Slaves to Darkness... just need to find my gloss varnish on this desk somewhere....

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Wrap Up to 2020

 What can you say about 2020 that hasn't already been said? Good riddance! Hope the door hits you on the way out! 

    It hasn't all been that bad, at the start of the year Rachel and I were able to participate in the Toon Con 2020. Which now looking back at it could have easily been one of the super spreader events that started off the pandemic. Instead, it was an amazing last weekend of socializing with new passionate gamers, learning new games that were taught by dedicated ambassadors and all around enjoying the hobby that I have come to enjoy. I really liked the live auction, hopefully an online auction happens in 2021?

    Another positive outcome of Toon Con, is that Tim invited me into the Wrath & Glory campaign that has been running with a bunch of his friends that are now spread out across Canada (oh and the USA). This has been transforming into a RPG variety night on Saturdays. It's always a fun time and good for a laugh. 

    Roll 20 has been a great addition to the social distance tool box, I have also been DMing 5th Edition's Dragon Heist  for a group of my high school friends. Nobody wanted to start in the summer when people can have fun outside and socialize with mosquitoes, eww, who does that these days?? We started late November and had 3 sessions so far. My friend Jared had to suggest a name change to one of the guilds they were chancing around as both had Z names. The Zanathar guild are now the Apple Dumpling guild and they no longer have eye tattoos (to represent their beholder leader), they have apple tattoos. This also shows how high ranked they are, you better watch out for those Ambrosia guild members that have little apple slice tears!

    The idea of supporting local business (more so now then before) has started to become more important as supply chains from other countries are strained. I wanted to support my local sculptors, creators and game designers right here in my backyard. Lucky for me Must Contain Minis already had the same idea and compiled a nice list of Canadian companies that have a wide range of miniatures, STL designs, terrain, etc. It might not be something for a GW games but there is a lot of nice work getting done on niche miniatures, like mounties. I haven't bought anything from them yet, but plan to make an order in the future.

Painting wise, I have finished off my crusade portion of Sisters of Battle as well as the Skitarii, but what is finished? I have a few more additions, Mr. Cawl, Ironstrider, Dunecrawler to name a few. I mean are armies ever really finished? God I hope that's all!

Slaves to Darkness is close to 1k, but I did say I would finish off the Battleforce box from last Christmas? Two Christmas ago!? Ugh! Okay, so I have a Chaos Warshrine as well as a Chaos Sorceress on my desk, I just need to take some pictures and make it blog official. With those two that would take my current painted total to 920, I was going to paint up a Darkfire Daemonrift to get to 1k. That said, I could ally in 200 points of Khorne Daemons that I painted this year too, so I did get more then 1k finished this year.

Next on the Hobby Desk

I'll be taking a hard look at 2021 and seeing what will be a feasible goal for my hobby moving forward.