
Friday, August 16, 2024

MESBG Battle Companies - Haradrim

     After playing a demo game of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game a couple weeks ago and Rachel showing interest in a small Rohirram battle company  I had the drive to paint up more miniatures. Battle Companies only requires 8 Haradrim Warriors, half with arrows instead of the normal 30% that other factions have to abide by. I painted up two Haradrim Raiders as reinforcements for later games. 

    Next for MESBG, I will be painting up Rohirrim for Rachel. She asked for the standard greens and browns they usually have. Once I get back to painting the Haradrim, The Betray on foot and mounted will be my focus as he is a Hero of Valour, meaning he can lead 15 warriors and gives a bonus to poison weapons. Add a Ringwraith and I would have a 300 point army, a good start.

    Researching more about the Haradrim, I found a small snippet from their wiki stating that there were two blue wizards that went to Harad, Alatar and Pallando. The two missionaries were sent to convert those that worshipped Sauron. Not much is know of their fate, but they might've founded a cult of magic. 

    This one line opens up the idea of Haradrim that fight against Sauron. Given that I have lots of Haradrim Warriors, I could paint some up that fight against Sauron's forces and thus have a narrative for fighting against Sauron's minions.

Painted: 12 (8 troop, 2 mounted)
Purchased: -55
Total: -43

Next on the Hobby Desk!

    Terrain! I sweat! I have some terrain looking things on my desk (as well as some Slaves to Darkness for the warcry narrative campaign I started) but there is terrain!

Skirmish boards

 I picked up some smaller mdf boards for skirmish games. Easy to paint up and I was able to involve my daughter, she is 3, as well.

The urban board was created using the terrain tutor's guide. In his video, he is more efficient, building 4 boards at once. Easy enough to expand upon in the future though. Down the road I'll create a green space insert for the large grey area. The other idea I had was using the back for a grass area, but not sure how it would hold up if it was always being played on the opposite side. I had the intension of using this board for Super Mission Force, a super hero skirmish game, but Songs of Blades and Heroes and 100 point Ronin game or Fistful of Kung Fu could work if I went with more of a Big Trouble in Little China feel to the game.

    The next two pictures are 2 x 2 board that are double sided that my three year old daughter assisted with, she had a creative vision that I wasn't quite picking up on. Fishing 28, a non-combat skirmish game, is what I plan to play on the water board, but add in some docks and it could fit any genre.

Water side
    Full thrust, a space combat game, would fit on this board, but Super Mission Force could also make an appearance too! Could start a grand story of supers fighting in outer space then land on earth only to be pulled into the water! Oooo guess I could start painting up heroclix miniatures with space/scuba suits on.


Painted: 8 (Two large terrain)
Purchased: -63
Total: -55

Next on the Hobby Desk

    Seeing as it's the Season of Scenery, I have finished my Haradrim for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Battle Companies. Seriously though, I will have some terrain coming soon...

Friday, August 9, 2024

Zombicide Wulfsburg - Zombie Wolves

    During breaks at work, I have been picking away at the werewolf ("Wolfbomination") and wolves from Zombicide Wulfsburg that I had picked up last year. I gave a bit more attention to the werewolf, giving him a nicer base and extra blood. With these miniatures finished, I only have the 4 heroes left to paint up.... for Wulfsburg... for the core box there are still 60 or so zombies, a necromancer and an abomination and 6 more heroes.
    With both the core set and Wulfsburg it is possible to play with 10 survivors, which would be cool if I could get that many players at the table.


21 wolves, 1 wulfbomination

The most blood frenzied wolves

Painted: 24
Purchased: -87
Total: -63

Next on the Hobby Desk

    I have been painting up Haradrim for Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Battle Companies which are couple minutes of painting away from being complete. 


Gipsy Danger - Mech Attack

       This is a bit silly, but I was gifted this battle damaged Gipsy Danger for Christmas last year. I didn't want to display it like most figures I have, so I went with basing it for Mech Attack!

Craft paint for scale

    Crimson Typhoon was damaged in a one sided fight with my energetic orange cat, it will be getting similar treatment. I have definitely been looking at Aliexpress for some kaiju for these two to fight, because one scale of Pacific Rim miniatures isn't enough for me!

Painted: 2 (small terrain?)
Purchased: -99
Total: -87

Next on the Hobby Desk

    I finished painting all the wolves in Zombicide Wulfsburg, they will be getting shown off soon!