Monday, May 11, 2020

The Thorn Queen braves the sun

Excited to be finished with the Azyrite Townscape. I bought it after playing our first game of Warcry as I didn't really have any good fantasy terrain. This also got me in the mood to start painting the original Kill Team Starter Terrain (you know the one with Skitarii and Genestealers.... came out two years ago...)

Professional shadow casting
Stormsire Cursebreakers slinging some spells.

I used a pretty quick effect on the ruins, basing them black then dry brushing on Kabalite Green with less emphasis on the lower bricks, then a dry brush of screaming skull. I might need to use this on some of the 40k terrain. 

Really like shooting in the natural light, makes all the colours very vibrant.

Coming Soon!

More terrain! I have the Kill Team stuff sitting on the paint desk right now. Might as well get enough terrain painted to do Kill Team on, I definitely have enough with the starter, death world and half of a STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins from Theta-7 Expansion of Kill Team. Should have a good table worth of terrain if I get through it all.


  1. Uggggghhhhh... you need to stop... these look so rad and it's really NOT helping me resist the temptation to pick up Warcry!!!

    1. I would say it's a relatively cheap side game, but honestly you'd probably be paying for mostly terrain if you don't have any fantasy stuff. Or just use sci-fi terrain and not care.
