
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Slaanesh beckons....

Well, this wasn't quiet part of the plan. Okay, so I didn't really have a plan. I was going to paint my slaves to darkness battleforce and the sisters of battle before getting any new projects. But then......

That's a lot of DAEMONS!

 I did ask for some Greater Daemons on the forums, so this is definitely not that big of a surprise. I hope to use most of the Daemons in Wrath and Glory. Specifically the Bloodthirster and the Keeper of Secrets that was sealed (which I promptly opened to see if it was metal or resin, and it's resin.) This is what this lot included....

39 Bloodletters (18 Plastic/21 Metal)
1 Daemon Prince Metal
13 Flesh Hounds (8 that look more like rats and one with a Scorpion tail?)
3 Bloodcrushers

Keeper of Secrets
Forgeworld Greater Daemon of Slaanesh
3 Slaanesh Fiends (one missing an arm)
Azazel, Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Chaos Spawn (Scyla Anfingrimm)
1 Mounted Aspiring Champion
Ogroid Thaumaturge
6 Flamers metal
2 Daemon Prince (one 40k Metal/ one plastic)
Metal Abaddon

With this lot though, I could easily use them as their own army or an ally for the Slaves to Darkness.

Bloodmaster - 3 power level/ 56 points
Skulltaker - 5 power level/ 84 points
Karanak 4 Power Level/ 70 points

Bloodletters  4 Power Level/ 70 points
Bloodletters  4 Power Level/ 70 points
Bloodletters  4 Power Level/ 70 points

Bloodcrushers 8 Power Level/ 141 points

Flesh Hounds (10) 8 Power Level/ 150 points

Total of 40 Power Level
Total of 711 points

That's a pretty good start for a Khorne daemons army for 40k.

The Metal Daemon Prince could be used as a proxy for a Bloodmaster that gives +1 Strength to Khorne Daemons that are within 6" of him.

The list I made with these Khorne daemons is similar to the 40k one, adding in Scyla Anfingrimm, who gets more attacks as he gets wounded! Also Scyla is eligible to attack from 8 inches away, piling in 5" when it's his turn to fight.

Scyla Anfingrimm

Bloodletters (20)
Flesh hound (10)
Bloodletters (10)

Blood crushers (3)

Total: 950

Clearly the 50 remaining points would be used for an endless spell, that is if Khorne didn't despise all things magical.

This Aspiring Champion will fit in well into the Slaves to Darkness army, throw a shield in his hand and a fresh coat of paint on him and his ride. He will slay many foes as a mounted Champion of Khorne.


The daemon Prince here is specific to 40k, I have this exact model in my nurgle army, good thing I kept some Crypt Flayer wings for such a project. Maybe I'll make this one worship Khorne.

The Bloodthirster is painted quiet well for what I'd be using him for, might need a light dusting and possibly more detail on the base. That might be for when my other projects are finished.... yeah, right.

        The Slaanesh side of things, I do have 10 daemonettes, 5 seekers and The Masque to go along with the fiends and the greater daemon.  Probably not the best start of a list but could be worked with, but not starting building that list for now. Not sure what Abaddon will turn into, or if he will just turn into a generic Chaos Lord.

Coming soon!

Progress on the Slaves to Darkness army? Sisters? eBay purchases?! Who knows.... Well this time I do, I have some Chaos Warriors finished up that I'll be showing off.

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