
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Reign in Hell - Finished Cabals

        In 2021, Snarling Badger Studios, released a daemonic combat skirmish game called Reign in Hell. This is the first game that Adam Loper and Vince Venturella, of YouTube fame, have created together. Initially, this was a PvP game with cabals fighting each other for control of Hell with campaign play as well, they have since released co-op and solo rules in a free PDF called The Oculus Spear to help players get games in during the height of Covid.

    Just this week, I have finished two cabals from the Dreamblade miniature I had picked up off eBay the same year Reign in Hell was released. The game can be played with up to 4 players, and has several different philosophies which dictates what type of daemons you can bring in your cabal. Painting up only 14 of the 51 miniatures I picked up, I see more cabals being created in the future. But for now, this will be enough to learn and play the game, besides, I have a BUNCH of daemons from 40k I could use in a pinch. 

Reign in Hell Cabals

    The two philosophies I picked for these two cabals were, Earth-bound and The Empty. Earth-Bound are daemons that want to return to earth, where all the fun is at, you know manipulating weak humans. Searching through the Dreamblade minis, I picked out figures that you might find on a metal album cover. The leader can be of three different types, Warrior, Zealot or Schemer. I chose Schemer, which has the ability to leave combat once per round and is able to activate another daemon near by after his activation. The Devout for an Earth-Bound cabal is a Succubus, able to Charm other daemons into attacking others and deflect some damage when she sees friendly daemons slay opposing daemons. 

Schemer and Succubus

    Some of the daemon profiles are up to interpretation so go ahead and use that sweet models that you can't seem to fit into any other games. I got a local 3D printer to print some bases for me, there is some hit and miss for quality but they were pretty cheap to get made.

    The band members all lined up ready to rock your socks off and devour your soul!

    For The Empty cabal, they are trying to unmake Hell. I went with a more muted paint scheme, mostly to get them off the table a bit quicker, but it also fit their theme. Only giving them splashes of colour besides the "Pain Smash" which just screamed to be bronzed. All daemons in The Empty cabal can destroy terrain or objective markers with a 6 on their attack roll. Both the Leader and Devout have some teleporting shenanigans as well. 

Devount - Void Demon and Leader - Zealot

    I went with models that were blind in some fashion, the bases were painted as a contrast to the Earth-bound bases, adding a hint of their base colours to them. 

For someone without eyes, the Pain Smash is quite the exhibitionist.

    My brother, Shawn, and I tried out Reign in Hell on Saturday. We played the scenario called The Prison, which has the cabals seeking forbidden knowledge from the captured daemon in the center of the table. Daemons who move within 3" of the pillars claim the objective, they only give it up after being slain or move away. However, the rules aren't clear when more daemons show up and the first original daemon has moved off the objective. I think we rolled off to see who claimed it, but I think in the spirit of the game, I think both would own it till either were slain.

Loonies for objectives

    And you are probably thinking, maybe, oh wow that's a neat mat that you have your miniatures displayed on there Jon. I have just made two mats based on the Black Magic Craft video here. I didn't use the oil washes and I was trying to add more of my mossy bits that I had, so it's bit rough. I also wasn't straying my watered down glue at first, which actually helped as it gave the grass some depth. 

    I have had the mats out in the garage which is a bit moist as the mats like to curl on the ends, so hopefully I can glue the opposite side to prevent this or the house temperature is more suited for them. 

Next on the Hobby Desk!

    I have joined a Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Tournament for July, now I just need to paint and assemble all the miniatures I need for it! Shouldn't be too bad, as I'll be playing Evil so a healthy coat of black is basically all I'll need.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Monster May(hem) 2023

    Looks like another May has passed us by! I can hardly believe it. Was planning for more, but with some travelling and tending to a backyard that hasn't seen much in lawncare in the passed two decades or so, it just wasn't in the cards. I hope Keith won't mind if my candidates for next year have a small head start (they were painted in May). As an extra kneecap to any progress I made, I accidentally broke off an arm on one model, so even, right? Painting a monster outside of May would be sacreligious, how dare you suggest that!?

Here are my entries for this year.

Nightwalker (Wizkids)

        Wizkid's monsters are very well done, good detail, and reasonable price. I prefer Reaper Miniatures for any smaller models. No real play for the Nightwalker, I liked it so I bought it, was thinking of using it for Reign in Hell, but it's base is double the size of all the other miniatures I have for it.

Rancor (Star Wars IA: Jabba's Realm)

    My partner gave me the Jabba's Realm expansion for my birthday... in 2017. Haven't played in sometime, would really like to get the core box and this expansion painted up and on the table again. 

    This rancor is the famous beast that resides the pit below Jabba's throne. Or at least, that's what the set implies. Witches of Dathomir are force sensitive warriors that ride rancors into battles, I painted mine to be owned by one of the sisters, giving her mount a tattoo after fierce battles together. Which brought me to my next idea, painting several Rancors with mounts. Imperial Assault can be played as a competitive tabletop game, so they could be fielded as an army. However, this Rancor is sold only in the Jabba's Realm expansion, a costly endeavor for what would most likely be a passing fancy. With a quick Google search though, it looks like someone has made a rancor with a rider in STL form. That's one step closer to my rancor army, haha! 

Size comparison to dandelions in my yard

    There you go, my meager entries into Monster May(hem) this year. I had two more miniatures planned, a fungal giant and a colossal skeleton. Yes, it's a skeleton, but it's big! Like a giant's or ogre's skeleton! Those count as monsters right?!

Next on the Hobby Desk

    I have a Reign in Hell warband almost finished off to show, just need a few highlights. For June, it will be time to finish off all the mostly done miniatures kicking around on the desk before I jump into the Season of Scenery for this year.