
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Paint What You Got Update #1

    This year I want to get better at posting my finished miniatures as I paint them. Usually the case is that I want to complete a unit before posting. Can't post this mini, he doesn't have his base done! Now what colour of base.... etc.

    So these miniatures are leftovers from last year that just needed a couple minutes to finish up that didn't quiet make it into 2024.

    First up is some quick Battletech buildings. Cleaning up the Hobby room I came across some packaging that I intended to use for building in Battletech. Still have the packing, I might make something more hex map friendly. These could be used for Mech Attack! if the rectangle bases are too unclear for opponents.

    My brother came over for a paint night in December. He was painting up his newly acquired Battletech A Game of Armored Combat TM Box. I decided to grab my own unpainted/ foolishly painted ( this is a Clint, I should paint it like Clint Eastwood in The good, the bad, and the ugly...) mechs. Reading into the universe of Battletech, I decided to paint up a lance, four mechs, in the colours of each of the five major houses. Well, four, as I painted some mechs up as Clan Ghost Bear, who has a sorted past with the Draconis Combine.

Draconis Combine - Sword of Light

Cicada, Jenner, Spider, Whitworth

    This lance would be used for scouting, or a quick strike. I will be painting up a Grasshopper to add a heavy class mech for options. A standard game of BT is usually around a Battle value 2.0 of 6K or higher if you want a longer game, you could also use tonnes as a points system but I am told it's less accurate to the mech's actual fighting power. For this lance's BV 2.0 it would look like:

Cicada - 659 
Jenner - 875
Spider - 622
Whitworth - 982

Total: 3138

    The Grasshopper would add an additional 1,400 to get close to a standard game, but a lower BV might be good for a learning game with my brother.

    Before Christmas I had started to paint these older plastic Chaos Space Marines for Space Hulk as advisories. There was a fan made rules for all the factions, splitting the factions up as horde or tactical, dictating how they played. Sweeping the internet, I found they have been taken down as a C&D  action. I have found some more traditional rules for Space Hulk here. 

My original idea was to paint up a 10 man squad with a matching colour scheme, but I changed my mind, deciding to paint them as one off enemies that could be encounted on a derelict hulk while fighting off tyranids.

Chaos Space Marine Captain and special weapons marine.

Two The Scourged Chaos Space Marines

Tzeentch is my least represented in my hobby collection. I really enjoyed the lore of The Scourge. They hunted heretics for inquisitorial questioning. Hundreds were found guilty, some innocently killed. They preyed to the emperor for divine guidance to know when someone was lying. Tzeentch answered their cry for help, blessing the chapter to hear all the truths of humanity. The chapter soon went mad from the lies they were fed by mankind. I'll probably paint up more Scourged Marines as well as a sorcerer and some cultists.

Heroclix Sentinel

Had this one on or near the Hobby Desk for sometime at about 90% done. It is now done. I do have two more to paint up as well. I sculpted a mouth on it that is similar to the sentinels in the 90's X-men animated series.

Electra for scale

Next on the Hobby Desk

I have more Battletech to paint up and some projects that need only an hour or so more time to finish up.

1 comment:

  1. An eclectic mix, but all finished which is the goal of this challenge.
